
Do you work in the healthcare? Then you are probably a driven, intelligent, and resourceful person who has dedicated many years in your life to learn how to save lives.

How much do you know about managing your own money?  Well, if you were like me (and countless other medical students, residents, early-career physician, and other healthcare providers)....then the answer is...not much.

Look no further! As a practicing physician, I know how hard it is to find relevant, understandable information on finances. In my book and this website, I will provide you with the information, guidance, and financial literacy so that you can start taking control of your money in a way that is consistent with your goals.

On this website, I will also provide periodic updates of worksheets, personal finance concepts, and resources that can be helpful.

Click on the links on the top to explore more.

From one doctor to another, thanks for joining me on this journey!